(808) 961-3207 Hilo, HI

Manufacturing Insurance, Hilo, HI.

Hilo, HI. Manufacturing Insurance


Best Rates! Monthly Payments Available

Click Quote Button or Call 808-961-3207



As a manufacturer, you understand the importance of quality and reliability to deliver a product that will build customer loyalty and grow your business. Likewise, with our Insurance program, we believe in delivering excellent service and a quality insurance program, so you can stay focused on your business operations, knowing you have a strong insurance partner at your side. 

We insure small and regional manufacturers, including:


  • Food Product Manufacturers
  • Metal Goods Manufacturers
  • Paper Manufacturers
  • Plastics Manufacturers
  • Textile Manufacturers
  • Wineries
  • Wood Manufacturers

Choose any of the coverages shown below to tailor your insurance program for your business:

General Manufacturing:

  • Property insurance, including coverage for:
    • Product stock at market value
    • Spoilage
    • Equipment Breakdown
    • Accidental Pollution
    • Business Income and Extra Expense as a result of a covered loss to a supplier
  • General Liability, including:
    • Limited coverage for product withdrawal from the market
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Business Auto
  • Inland Marine
  • Umbrella Insurance

Wineries & Vineyards:

  • Property insurance, including coverage for:
    • Maintenance and Farm Equipment
    • Product stock at market value
    • Wine contamination
    • Wine leakage
    • Equipment Breakdown
    • Accidental pollution & clean up
    • Business Income and Extra Expense as a result of a covered loss to a supplier
  • General Liability, including coverage for:
    • Travel abroad
    • Bodily Injury or Property Damage as a result of Pesticide, Herbicide or Fertilizer Application or Storage
    • Worldwide product liability
    • Limited coverage for product withdrawal from market
  • Workers’ Compensation
  • Business Auto, including
    • Coverage for valet or fee-based parking
  • Umbrella Insurance

Let Hawaii Island Insurance help you choose a policy that will fit your individual needs.  Protecting your assets, whether personal, business, or both, is our goal.  A well-chosen policy can lessen the impact of some of life’s most common, yet unforeseen perils.  We’re here to help when you are considering Manufacturing Insurance